Leadership and Governance Structure

ASDB Leadership and Governance Structure

At Africa Sustainable Development Board (ASDB), our leadership and governance structure is designed to ensure transparency, accountability, and effective decision-making. We believe that strong leadership is essential for driving positive change and achieving our mission of fostering sustainable development across the African continent.

Founder & Chairman

Omer Kokou-Tchri, the visionary founder of ASDB, brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the organization. With a background in social and political activism, Kokou-Tchri is deeply committed to the cause of sustainable development in Africa. As Chairman, he provides strategic direction, leadership, and guidance to ASDB, ensuring that the organization remains true to its mission and values.


Executive Team

The Executive Team is responsible for the day-to-day operations and management of ASDB. Led by the Executive Director, the team oversees the implementation of ASDB's programs, projects, and initiatives, ensuring that they align with the organization's strategic goals and objectives. The Executive Team works closely with staff, partners, and stakeholders to drive impact and deliver results, making data-driven decisions to optimize ASDB's impact and effectiveness.


Board of Director

The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the overall governance and strategic direction of ASDB. Comprised of experienced professionals, experts, and leaders from various fields, the Board provides valuable insights, guidance, and oversight to ensure that ASDB effectively fulfills its mission and objectives. Members of the Board bring diverse perspectives and expertise to the table, enriching the organization's decision-making process and ensuring that it remains responsive to the needs of stakeholders.


Marketing research company employees cooperating regarding project sustainability.

Committees and Working Groups:

ASDB establishes committees and working groups as needed to address specific issues, initiatives, or projects. These groups bring together experts and stakeholders with relevant expertise and experience to collaborate on specific objectives and deliverables. By leveraging the collective knowledge and resources of diverse stakeholders, ASDB is able to achieve greater impact and effectiveness in its work.


Advisory Board

The Advisory Board provides strategic advice, guidance, and support to ASDB on key issues and initiatives. Comprised of thought leaders, subject matter experts, and influencers, the Advisory Board brings invaluable expertise and insights to ASDB's work. Members of the Advisory Board provide input and recommendations on strategic direction, programmatic priorities, and emerging trends, helping to ensure that ASDB remains at the forefront of sustainable development efforts in Africa.






Transparency and Accountability

ASDB is committed to transparency and accountability in all aspects of its operations and governance. We adhere to best practices in governance, financial management, and reporting, ensuring that our stakeholders have visibility into our activities and outcomes. Through regular communication, reporting, and engagement, we strive to build trust and confidence among our stakeholders and demonstrate our commitment to achieving meaningful impact in Africa.

At ASDB, we believe that strong leadership, effective governance, and collaboration are essential for driving sustainable development and creating positive change in Africa. Through our leadership and governance structure, we are committed to maximizing our impact and delivering meaningful results for the people and communities we serve.

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