About Us

About Africa Sustainable Development Board (ASDB)

Who We Are

The ASDB, Africa Sustainable Development Board, is a Private Club of Experts, Businesses and
Organisations, and friends that are dedicated to the sustainable development of Africa in the
form of collaborative, win-win approaches to benefit all the important parties in this dynamic.

. Founded with the aim of being the guardians and advisors of future generations, we are committed to fostering collaboration, innovation, and progress across the continent.

Our Vision

At Africa Sustainable Development Board (ASDB), we envision a future where Africa thrives as a beacon of sustainable development, prosperity, and equality. We strive to be the driving force behind transformative change, leading the continent towards a brighter tomorrow for all its inhabitants.

Our Mission

Our mission at ASDB is to catalyze holistic development in Africa by:

  • Empowering communities and individuals to reach their full potential.
  • Protecting the environment and promoting sustainable practices.
  • Advancing economic growth and opportunity for all.
  • Advocating for social justice and inclusivity.

Our Values

ASDB is guided by the following values;

  • Integrity

    We uphold the highest ethical standards in all our endeavors.

  • Collaboration

    We believe in the power of partnerships and cooperation to drive meaningful change.

  • Sustainability

    We are committed to practices that ensure long-term environmental, economic, and social viability.

  • Inclusivity

    We embrace diversity and strive to ensure equal opportunities for all.

  • Innovation

    We encourage creativity and innovation to address complex challenges.

  • Empowerment

    We support communities and individuals to take control of their own development.

  • Accountability

    We take responsibility for our actions and strive for transparency and accountability in all our activities.

Our Team

Omer Kokou-Tchri

Founder & Chairman





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