ASDB: “Empowering Minds – Free Education for a Brighter Future”


Western Africa, Central Africa
Central African Republic, Chad, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Togo, Uganda

Project Partners

Ministry of Education (target countries) Local educational institutions and curriculum developers Technology companies (device providers) NGOs and community organizations

Target Beneficiaries

Youth, Students and Young Professionals, Students and Learners, Vulnerable Populations, Women and Girls

Applicable SDGs

Quality Education, Gender Equality, Reduced Inequalities, Partnerships for the Goals

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Project Summary

This project aims to significantly increase literacy and numeracy skills among children in Africa, both within the formal education system and for those outside of school. We will achieve this by providing them with access to high-quality, interactive educational resources delivered through durable, offline-capable devices.

Project Activities

1. Content Development: Partner with local educators and curriculum developers to create engaging and age-appropriate learning modules in core subjects like reading, writing, and mathematics. Develop content in multiple local languages spoken in target regions. Ensure content can be accessed and used offline to overcome potential internet connectivity limitations. 2. Device Distribution: Source and distribute durable, solar-powered tablets preloaded with the educational content. Target both schools with limited resources and communities where children lack access to formal education. Prioritize reaching girls and children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Teacher Training: Provide training workshops for teachers on effectively utilizing the devices and integrating them into existing curricula. Train teachers on using offline functionalities and monitoring student progress. Community Engagement: Partner with local NGOs and community leaders to raise awareness about the project and its benefits. Organize workshops for parents and guardians on the importance of literacy and numeracy, and how to support their children’s learning. Establish learning centers in communities to provide dedicated spaces for children to use the devices, guided by volunteers or trained community members.
africa, children, village-1994846.jpg
Technology industry innovation, people with tech Innovation with technological progress business.

Project Activities

Ministry of Education (target countries) Local educational institutions and curriculum developers Technology companies (device providers) NGOs and community organizations

Project Impact

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